April 3, 2020
In our third episode of Around Farm Progress, we take a look at two key areas ahead of the 2020 season – markets and weather. USDA is predicting a lot of acres planted to corn, a fact that Farm Futures Market Analyst Jacqueline Holland discovered a week ahead in our industry survey, we talk with her and colleague Ben Potter about that.
In addition, Holland and Potter share insight on potential tactics for farmers to consider moving into the new year. And we take a trip around the world to check on key markets and how they might impact the 2020 season.
Special guest Greg Soulje, agricultural meteorologist on This Week in Agribusiness, shares his insights on the weather ahead for this season. No spoiler alert, except to say this year might look a little familiar.
We also share insights from a new service, the Farm Progress Panel, which works with smart phone subscribers to our mobile text service to get feedback on key issues facing ag. If you're interested in being a part of that, text FARM to 20505 to get our top ag news texts every day, and take part in futher Farm Progress Panel surveys.
On an added note, readers can catch all of the Farm Progress coverage of COVID-19 by visiting our special coronavirus channel online. We're covering this event from across the country providing both local and national insight into how it impacts all of agriculture. Just visit FarmProgress.com/coronavirus.
The weekly podcast goes live online by 3 p.m. Central time each Friday and will engage editors from around the country. There will also be special guests, and other information provided in this new show, so make an appointment to listen. You can listen to this week's episode above and subscribe on Podbean by following. Soon the show will be on iTunes as well.
Farmers are getting their information in new ways. Farm Progress is a leader in reaching them as needed. From top magazines around the country to one of the first agriculture-focused mobile apps from Farm Futures, to the leading television presence with This Week in Agribusiness, the company covers all media for agriculture.
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