Dakota Farmer

Control wireworm populations

Producers should watch out for signs of wireworms in wheat fields.

Sarah McNaughton, Editor, Dakota Farmer

July 12, 2022

3 Min Read
ROOT EATER: The wireworm can spend up to five years living in the soil in its larvae form before molting into a click beetle. Controlling wireworm populations is vital to retain high crop yields.Tomasz Klejdysz/Getty Images

Producers might think the empty patch in their wheat field is from their planter skipping, but it could be a sign of wireworms feeding on the crop.

Tracy Hillenbrand, a technical service representative for BASF, says these empty patches can be a sign that wireworms are feeding on your wheat. “If you go and dig around some of those empty patches, you’ll actually see some wireworms in the area or feeding marks on the plant,” she says.

Wireworms feed off the roots of various crops, and this feeding can lead to substantial yield losses.

“Wireworms are attracted to germinating plants,” Hillenbrand says. “When the plants start germinating, the wireworms can sense the pheromones off these plants and feed on the seed and emerging plants and root systems.”

Due to their underground presence, producers should be vigilant to the aboveground signs of wireworms.

“Wireworms can live in the soil for three to five years before they molt into a click beetle, which then has the ability to fly into other areas of the field to lay those eggs and then continue that cycle,” she explains.

This multiyear larvae stage is where producers will see root damage and plant mortality as a result of the wireworm feeding.

“Trapping systems can be a great way to see if your ground has a problem. Bait traps will draw in the wireworms, and then you can tell how bad of a population you may have in your field,” she explains.

For growers getting ready to plant their winter wheat crops, seed treatments are one of the most effective ways to control these wireworms.

Kill worms for best control

Hillenbrand says the best way to control populations is with a seed treatment that kills worms after feeding on treated plants. “There are a lot of products on the market that will cause a drunkenness effect in the worms, but they won’t kill them, which can allow for secondary feeding,” she says.

Teraxxa F4 is a seed treatment for use in all cereal grain crops and will kill the wireworm at first feeding.

“It’s the only Group 30 available on the market, and the active ingredient in Broflanilide, which will lead to [wireworm] mortality,” she says.

Teraxxa F4 works by binding directly to a point on the wireworm’s central nervous system, causing insect mortality.

“Even one click beetle coming into your field can lay an average of 50 eggs, so one beetle coming back can really increase wireworm populations,” Hillenbrand says.

Even with effective seed treatment, Hillenbrand says producers need to be watchful to reduce populations due to the life cycle of the wireworms. “It will offer mortality of anything that comes in contact, but it’s important for growers to know that those wireworms will still be in the soil, and it’s going to take multiple uses to continually reduce that population,” she says.

With many producers making plans for their upcoming winter wheat crops, now is the best time to get in contact your local BASF field rep to learn more about this seed treatment.

About the Author

Sarah McNaughton

Editor, Dakota Farmer, Farm Progress

Sarah McNaughton of Bismarck, N.D., has been editor of Dakota Farmer since 2021. Before working at Farm Progress, she was an NDSU 4-H Extension agent in Cass County, N.D. Prior to that, she was a farm and ranch reporter at KFGO Radio in Fargo.

McNaughton is a graduate of North Dakota State University, with a bachelor’s degree in ag communications and a master’s in Extension education and youth development.

She is involved in agriculture in both her professional and personal life, as a member of North Dakota Agri-Women, Agriculture Communicators Network Sigma Alpha Professional Agriculture Sorority Alumni and Professional Women in Agri-business. As a life-long 4-H’er, she is a regular volunteer for North Dakota 4-H programs and events.

In her free time, she is an avid backpacker and hiker, and can be found most summer weekends at rodeos around the Midwest.

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