A recent analysis reveals how Hurricane Irma treated Georgia cotton.
Hurricane Irma blew into Florida Sept. 11 and moved rapidly north into Georgia cotton country with tropical storm strength, knocking lint to the ground and twisting and beating up fields.
“To varying degrees, it is safe to say that every cotton field in Georgia has been negatively impacted by Irma,” said Jared Whitaker, University of Georgia Extension cotton specialist, in an interview Sept. 19.
A preliminary investigation by Whitaker and UGA Extension agents who collected samples and made observations in damaged fields shows Irma alone will conservatively cost Georgia about 10 percent of its potential production this year. If preliminary observations and estimates hold true, Georgia cotton farmer face a loss of $100 million in potential production just from Irma this year.
Irma brought steady 40 mph winds with 50-plus-mph gusts to Georgia cotton for many hours. Samples submitted to Whitaker by county agents from cotton regions of the state indicate 120 pounds per acre of lint to 700 pounds per acre of lint were lost in fields. He said samples from fields ready or near-ready for harvest show an average loss of 300 pounds of lint per acre.
It is a wait-and-see situation. Time will focus the picture better on how much was lost, but Whitaker said losses could go higher, depending on how well mangled plants straighten back out over the next few weeks and how well growers can effectively access and manage fields.