Wallaces Farmer

Driftless Region Beef Conference Jan. 26-28

Virtual conference will address consumer perceptions of beef, and programs helping to create and sustain demand for beef.

December 22, 2020

2 Min Read
Beef cattle in field
CONSUMER TRENDS: Shawn Darcy, director of market research for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, will discuss consumer trends, marketing efforts to reach consumers and changing dynamics of what consumers prefer.Tyler Harris

The 2021 virtual Driftless Region Beef Conference on Jan. 26-28 will feature discussions on “What consumers say they need and want” beginning with a presentation from speaker Shawn Darcy, director of market research for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.

Darcy will talk about consumer trends, marketing efforts to reach consumers and the changing dynamics of what consumers prefer. His presentation will offer insight into consumer buying trends and campaigns that focus on keeping beef on the plate.

Iowa State University Extension beef specialist Denise Schwab says understanding what goes into consumer trends and consumer attitudes toward beef is an important part of being able to market your product locally or to any potential client.

“Attending this presentation via webinar format will shine light on consumer perceptions and programs that are helping create and sustain demand for beef,” she says.

The conference will have two presenters each evening. All three sessions will run from 7 to 8:30 p.m.  Other speakers are:

  • Frank Mitloehner, University of California-Davis professor and air quality extension specialist, speaking on Green House Gas, Sustainability and Beef Cattle Production

  • Kevin Bernhardt, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension farm management specialist, who will discuss Building Farm Resiliency for Surviving Volatile Times

  • Paul Plummer, Iowa State University professor of veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine, discussing Antibiotic Resistance in the Beef Industry

  • Danelle Bickett-Weddle, associate director for the Center for Food Security and Public Health at ISU's College of Veterinary Medicine, shares Being Prepared for a Beef Cattle Pandemic/Secure Beef (both cow-calf and feedlot

  • Brenda Boetel, UW Madison Division of Extension agricultural marketing specialist, with a 2021 Market Outlook

Registration and more information on topics and speakers will be available soon at ISU Extension. Preregistration is required. Don't miss this opportunity to register to hear these speakers at the reduced registration fee of $15.

Driftless Region Beef Conference sponsors are Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, University of Illinois Extension, and University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension. For more information or to receive a brochure, contact Denise Schwab at 319-472-4739.

Source: Iowa Beef Center, which is solely responsible for the information provided and is wholly owned by the source. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.


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