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Northeast Ag Expo Small Grains Field Day set for Feb. 19

The program and field tour begin at 9:45 at Lynn Hobbs Farm at 185 Spivey Road in Hobbsville, N.C.

Farm Press Staff

February 11, 2020

1 Min Read
Al Wood/NCSU

Timely production information for managing your wheat crops will be presented at the 2020 Northeast Ag Expo Small Grains Field Day set for Wednesday, Feb. 19 at Lynn Hobbs Farm in Hobbsville, N.C.

Registration and a trade show begin at 8:30 a.m. with the program and field tour getting underway at 9:45 a.m. The program concludes with a sponsored lunch at noon. Lynn Hobbs Farm is located at 185 Spivey Road in Hobbsville, N.C.

Extension specialists, Extension agents and researchers from North Carolina State University will discuss wheat disease management, wheat weed management, nitrogen management, wheat micronutrient fertilization and mid-season  management decisions.

If you plan to attend, please call the Gates Extension Center (252-357-1400) to pre-register.  For more information including a detailed agenda, use the following link

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