July 17, 2012
Accuweather models are predicting corn yields lower than the current USDA estimates due to the ongoing drought conditions in the cornbelt.
USDA's June prediction was 166 bushels an acre, which plummeted to 146 bushels an acre in mid-July.
But, Accuweather says that trend won't be stopping soon. Their agricultural meteorologists are expecting the corn yield to hit 138 bushels per acre.
This number is consistent with Farm Futures model predictions, which Farm Futures market analyst Arlan Suderman expects to be around 138 bushels per acre as well.
Suderman said there was extensive deterioration last week, and he expected this week to be the same.
Weather forecasts indicate that USDA's corn yield estimates may be a bit too high for the conditions at hand. (Photo: Accuweather.com)
Accuweather's forecasts show ongoing heat and drought conditions throughout southern Illinois and into Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, southern Wisconsin and southwestern Minnesota.
Recent rains, though they have fallen on portions of the cornbelt, have not been enough to make a difference in long-term yields, according to Accuweather. However, a bright spot amid the drought has been central Minnesota, which is expected to turn out higher corn yields.
High evaporation rates have limited the effectiveness of spotty showers seen throughout Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. Accuweather reports that these rates are approximately 1/3 of an inch per day.
Continued heat is expected to affect North Dakota down to the northern edge of Texas, with the hottest temperatures focused on northern Missouri and southern Iowa. However, cooler, less humid conditions are expected to travel from Canada across Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio.
Accuweather's models predict that the corn crop in southern areas cannot be saved.
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