November 1, 2023
With the end of another growing season comes the opportunity to evaluate its impact and apply findings to the next season. If you have done a soil test already, great! If you haven’t, now is the time. After all, soil is an extension of your crops, and soil testing is considered a top soil management practice.
Soil test results allow you to evaluate the yields you gained as well as the nutrients removed this harvest. Use your laboratory-generated fertilizer recommendations as a start and layer site- and grower-specific information to create an individualized plan that addresses your soil needs.
Photo submitted by The Mosaic Company
Considerations for a personalized fertilizer plan
Once you have your soil test results, consider the following to create the right fertilizer plan for your goals and your fields’ needs:
Soil test calibration relevancy: How appropriate is the calibration used in the standard recommendation for the attributes specific to your field?
Yield potential: Consider the economic value of each percentage change in relative yield that may influence the shape of the calibration curve.
Fertilizer placement: Build soil test levels to optimum regardless of the placement method used.
Nutrient distribution: Ensure your crops are getting the nutrients they need, applied evenly and in a way that will provide the most uptake at the right time.
Land tenure: Determine how long you will farm the field, as that influences fertilizer amount and type to support healthy yields and environmental practices.
The overall goal is to maximize the return on investment, focusing on what has the most potential to boost yield the coming year.
Photo submitted by The Mosaic Company
Apply what you know for soil health
Now it’s time to come up with a strategy for next growing season. Basic fertilizer recommendations are to:
Base implementation plan on soil test results
Boost soils testing lower for nutrients by adding extra fertilizer
Apply maintenance amounts of plant nutrients to higher-testing soils
Not apply to soil nutrients that already test very high
Work alongside agronomic experts and your retailer now to be ready for your field’s needs next spring, knowing that crop nutrition isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it situation: it’s a living document that you review annually to maximize return on fertilizer investments.
Photo submitted by The Mosaic Company
Crops that need a boron boost should look for a single granule with potassium and two forms of Boron – quick-release, and gradual-release – to avoid fertilizer hot spots. Aspire® delivers uniform nutrient distribution at the root level all season long.
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