Farm Progress

May shaping up as warm and wet

Weather at a Glance: Look for above-normal trends in temperature and precipitation as possibilities in May.

Andy Eggert

April 17, 2018

1 Min Read
WISHFUL THINKING? Everyone who has corn and soybeans to plant hopes for some sunny, dry days with a little dust in the air. If the long-term May forecast is right, such days could be limited.

Odds favor a warmer-than-normal May across Indiana. There is also a chance Indiana could be wetter than normal. This is based on information provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center.

Temperature. Indiana has a 40% to 50% chance to see above-normal temperatures during May. 

Precipitation. There is a 33% to 40% chance that Indiana will see above-normal precipitation in May. Hopefully it will be rain — but after the snow on Easter weekend, who knows!


National highlights. A warmer-than-normal May is expected for most of the U.S. The only cooler-than-normal prediction is for a small area in the Western mountain region. The farther west and south you go, the more above normal temperatures could be. The Southwestern areas of the country are very likely to see temperatures average above normal for the month.

Precipitation is a different story. Look for above-normal amounts in New England and most of the eastern Corn Belt. This trend could extend farther into the upper Great Plains. There is no definite rainfall pattern for the midsection of the country. Areas from Texas west and south, including Texas, are the most likely parts of the country to see a trend toward below-normal rainfall amounts in May. This pattern could extend to the Pacific Ocean, including most of California.

Future changes. Follow long-term forecast updates at the Climate Prediction Center’s website

Eggert works in the Indiana State Climate Office. He writes from West Lafayette, Ind.

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