Wallaces Farmer

Case IH Early Riser® lineup expands with new split row modelCase IH Early Riser® lineup expands with new split row model

Whether planting corn in level fields or soybeans in contoured terrain, the 2140 Early Riser planter delivers consistent depth and seed placement for unmatched accuracy.

The new 2140 Early Riser planter adds ultra-narrow row spacing of 15-, 20- and 22-inch with split-row configuration options, allowing producers to easily convert between crops. This planter is also designed with excellent ground clearance for unmatched terrain flexibility, a pivot fold transport package, and a factory-integrated furrow system to apply in-furrow liquid fertilizer and granular chemicals, reducing passes through the field.

Visit caseih.com to learn more about planting with the 2140 Early Riser planter.

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