Strange things happened on the “Twilight Zone,” an iconic TV thriller featuring the voice of the late Rod Serling. At the introduction of each show, Serling said, “There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as eternity.”
Some may believe agriculture is approaching the “Twilight Zone,” as more autonomous equipment becomes reality. But most agree the equipment solves the No. 1 problem facing ag: lack of labor.
“Several advertisers are ready or almost ready to bring autonomous equipment to market, and Farm Progress set aside an area where exhibitors could show what their equipment can do,” says Matt Jungmann, Farm Progress national events director.
That area is the Autonomy Zone, located near the Ride ’n’ Drive area, just off the north end of the showgrounds. Rick Wild, on-site show manager, says the Autonomy Zone and Ride ’n’ Drive area will be continuous. When enough people gather, exhibitors will demonstrate their machines.
What to see
Here’s what to see at the Autonomy Zone:
Raven technology. Rachel Hennen of Raven says the company will rotate a couple of technologies. See how Raven OmniDrive lets an operator control a tractor, and a grain cart or a Case IH fertilizer spreader without a driver. It’s what Raven refers to as “Path to Autonomy,” where the operator is in the field not the cab. Also, Raven cart automation will demonstrate technology that assists the operator on the machine so he or she can do other things.
Sabanto autonomy. The company is ready to bring after-market autonomy to tractors. Find out what autonomy looks like when it jumps off the page or screen before your eyes. Think this is a dimension too far? Sabanto is establishing a dealer network across the country, ready to put products you can touch and feel to work on farms.
Ryse Aero technology. Technically not autonomous, this aircraft qualifies simply because it’s way cool, Jungmann says. A hit at the 2022 Farm Progress Show, the tech will likely turn even more heads this year.
The company claims it’s a drone anyone can fly — while riding inside and not operating it from the ground. Company specs say it can carry 250 pounds at 63 mph and fly for 25 minutes. See it to believe it.
More surprises. Jungmann expects more companies to demonstrate products in the zone. All the t’s weren’t crossed at press time. Venture out to see what other surprises await.
The 2023 Farm Progress Show is Aug. 29-31. Learn more at, and check out the digital edition of the official program.
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