Finding talent that truly fits your organization isn’t easy, and the hiring process is often extensive. Competition for talent/recruiting difficulties are the most concerning human resource matter for agribusinesses (2018-2019 Agribusiness HR Review). We go through a lot of effort to “woo” top candidates, and it’s tempting to think our job is done once they accept the offer. However, it’s crucial to ensure your new hire is still on the priority list once they arrive. So how do we stay close to the onboarding process and motivate our new hire to succeed in the organization?
Candidates said that “communication throughout the process” was the most important candidate experience to develop a positive impression of the organization (2018 Candidate Experience Survey). How an employee perceives they are treated can impact their likelihood to stay on-the-job, and what they communicate to others about your organization.
Utilize the time between offer acceptance and your new hire’s first day. If the new hire is relocating, send a packet of local area brochures and important contacts. Ensure they have a main point of contact at your company they can depend on as they tie up loose ends at their current job and prepare to start from scratch with your organization. Arming them with information to help them through the transition can give them assurance they made the right decision and clear the way for excitement about getting started.
Meaningful Work
There’s nothing less motivating than being told to sit down and read the employee handbook for an hour. Skip as much of the old “first day” drudgery as you can and be prepared to have them jump into something meaningful and engaging. Provide a project the new hire can finish quickly, to provide a sense of accomplishment. You want them to go home and tell their family that this new job is going to be a great fit, and the fun’s already begun!
An experienced coworker in the same type of role should get to know and shepherd the new hire. They can be a consistent presence and source of encouragement as the new hire “learns the ropes”. Choose wisely, and it could be the start of a great friendship as well, as your new hire gets more established within the team. The right mentor can build confidence and help the new hire fit in, which should help keep them motivated and productive.
Celebrate Development
Share the onboarding and training plan and the path to proficiency/achievement in their role. Clarity is key in managing expectations from both the employer and employee’s perspective. It is motivating to see progress according to plan and celebrating those milestones will promote growth and engagement.
Put yourself in the new hires’ shoes as you look for ways to motivate them. What helped you feel motivated and appreciated on-the-job? For more ideas, visit www.AgCareers.com.
The opinions of the author are not necessarily those of Farm Futures or Farm Progress.
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