August 9, 2011

Iowa Public Television will again broadcast extensive coverage of the Iowa State Fair nightly at 9 p.m. August 15 to 20 2011. These hour-long programs are among the network's most-watched of the year.
This year's coverage will again be hosted by Mark Pearson, and will feature contest results, off-the-beaten-path stories, food, animals, music and more. The network will also broadcast coverage of the finals of the State Fair Talent Championships Sunday at 8 p.m.
Viewers are invited to share their best photos of the Iowa State Fair by sending them to [email protected]. In each episode, IPTV will feature Viewer Photos of the Day. On Friday, August 19, viewers will have the opportunity to show their appreciation to Iowa Public Television for this unique coverage with pledges of financial support.
Below is a list of topics for each Fair 2011 episode on IPTV. As always, topics are subject to change.
* Monday, August 15 at 9 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. and also Sunday, August 21 at 2 p.m. State Fair Parade, Big Animals FFA Swine Twins, Triplets and More Milk Chug-A-Lug Side Roads, "Pippy the Pig & the Iowa State Fair," Viewer Photos of the Day, "Where Are They Now?", Butter Cow 100th Anniversary, Butter Cow Concrete Art, part 1 Cowgirl Queen Contest (Juniors), Getting Ready for the Fair, part 1 The Oak Ridge Boys, part 1 Wine Judging, Daily Contest Results
* Tuesday, August 16 at 9 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Sunday, August 21 at 3 p.m. Cowgirl Queen Contest (Seniors), Butterfly House, Blue Ribbon Kids' Club, Cultural/Art Judging, Weaving/Hookers, Famous Dave's Pickling Judging, State Fair Queen Contest & Interview, Getting Ready for the Fair, part 2 Viewer Photos of the Day "Where Are They Now?" Butter Cow Concrete Art, part 2 Iowa DNR Building Side Roads "Nothing Compares," The Oak Ridge Boys, part 2 Kids' Celebration, Fun Forest, Daily Contest Results
* Wednesday, August 17 at 9 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Sunday, August 21 at 4 p.m. Battle of the Butter, 4-H Sheep, Make & Takes, Junior Egg Rolling, Swampmasters Side Roads, Queen for a Day, FFA Parade of Champions, Jay and the Americans, part 1 Viewer Photo of the Day, "Where Are They Now?", Butter Cow Concrete Art, part 3 Mr. Stinky Feet, Fun Forest Dirt Track Racing, part 1 "Make It with Lard" Contest Judging, Daily Contest Results
* Thursday, August 18 at 9 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Sunday, August 21 at 5 pm. Butter Cow Chip Throwing, Youth Rooster Crowing/Ladies' Chicken Calling, Side Roads, Pigeons, Veterans Parade, The Mind Wizard, Fun Forest, Baby Animals, Governor's Charity Steer Show, Food/Art Judging, Viewer Photo of the Day, "Where Are They Now?", Butter Cow Concrete Art, part 4 Getting Ready for the Fair, part 4 Jay and the Americans, part 2 Quarterhorse Show, Daily Contest Results
* Friday, August 19 at 9 p.m. & 11 p.m. Sunday, August 21 at 6 p.m. Miniature Horses, Cookout Contest, Ice Carving, Accordion Contest, Side Roads, Tractor Pull (Sunday only), Viewer Photo of the Day, "Where Are They Now?", Butter Cow Concrete Art, part 5 Ice Cream Judging, Viewer Photo of the Day, "Where Are They Now?", Dirt-Track Racing, part 2 (Sunday only) Kids' Grape Stomp, Sarah Darling part 1, Daily Contest Results (Sunday only)
* Saturday, August 20 at 9 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Sunday, August 21 at 7 p.m. Pie Eating Contest, 4-H Grand Champion Steer, Mutton Bustin', Belgian Horses, Sarah Darling part 2, Country School, Viewer Photo of the Day, "Where Are They Now?", Butter Cow Concrete Art part 6, Getting Ready for the Fair part 4, Tractor Pull part 2, Side Roads, Viewers' Favorite feature, 4-H & FFA Sale of Champions, Daily Contest Results
Funding for Fair 2011 has been provided by EMC Insurance, MidAmerican Energy, and viewers who support Friends of Iowa Public Television.
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