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HPAI subject of May 1 ISU virtual chatHPAI subject of May 1 ISU virtual chat

Dairy and veterinary experts will give an update on how this disease affects dairy cows.

April 30, 2024

1 Min Read
Dairy cows at feeder
DAIRY DILEMMA: The impact of highly pathogenic avian influenza on dairy cows is the subject of a virtual chat Iowa State University dairy specialists are having on May 1.Gil Gullickson

The Iowa State University Extension and Outreach dairy team will host a second virtual chat to discuss the latest information on how highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is affecting dairy cows.

A team of experts from the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine will join the state veterinarian and ISU Extension and Outreach for a live discussion at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 1.

Information about the illness continues to increase daily, so this program will discuss the latest on the HPAI infection affecting dairy ruminant herds and poultry flocks.

“The knowledge on the illness is growing daily, so this program is intended to keep producers and industry consultants informed with the most current, research-based information,” says Fred Hall, a dairy specialist with the ISU Extension and Outreach in northwest Iowa. “Our presenters are leading the state and national discussions on diagnostics and identifications of HPAI in ruminants.”

The agenda includes:

  • Pat Gorden, DVM, with the Iowa State Veterinary College Field Services — History of the disease and practicing veterinarians’ perspectives

  • Drew Magstadt, DVM, with the Iowa State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory — Perspectives on diagnostic tests

  • Yuko Sato, DVM, with the Iowa State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory — What is HPAI virus? What can the dairy industry learn from the poultry industry?

  • Jeff Kaisand, DVM, Iowa’s state veterinarian — State’s perspective on HPAI virus in dairy ruminants

  • Danelle Bickett-Weddle, DVM, owner of Preventalytics — Protecting your dairy herd Q&A

Producers, dairy consultants and industry reps are encouraged to attend the free virtual chat at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 1. No registration is required. To join, visit go.iastate.edu/BOVINEA.

The password is 904903.

For information, contact Phillip Jardon, ISU Extension and Outreach dairy veterinarian, at 515-294-7424 or [email protected], or Gail Carpenter at 515-294-9085 or [email protected].

Source: Iowa State University

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