August 7, 2017
Syngenta has announced it will enter into a non-exclusive licensing agreement with Dow AgroSciences LLC and M.S. Technologies LLC for the Enlist E3 Event in soybeans in the United States, Canada and Latin America, and the Conkesta Enlist E3 stack in soybeans in Latin America, with options for global rights for both. And Syngenta also entered into an agreement for the Enlist event in corn.
Enlist is a three-gene herbicide tolerant event providing tolerance to the Dow AgroScience version of 2,4-D - Enlist - along with glyphosate and glufosinate. The three-way system provides farmers greater options for control of herbicide resistant weeds using a number of technologies on the same plant.
In the release announcing the agreement, Jeff Rowe, Syngenta president of Global Seeds and North America, commented: "We will now have the opportunity to incorporate these traits into our genetics to provide growers additional seed and trait options with greater genetic diversity. This is another step in delivering on our commitment to enhance our seed offering and ensure continued choice for growers."
Syngenta, after closing its purchase with ChemChina, issued a statement committing to build its seed business, an area where the company has been on the record about the potential for future opportunities.
Conkesta is a novel insect-resistant trait for control of lepidopteran pests. It was the first trait submitted for approval that expresses two Bt proteins. The technology can be offered as a stack with Enlist varieties. The Syngenta agreement starts with Latin America, but could expand globally.
Joe Vertin, global business leader, Enlist Weed Control System, Dow AgroSciences, commented in a statement: "The Enlist System of novel traits and advanced herbicides along with Conkesta, represents the most complete and effective line of weed and insect control."
MS Technologies is a trait development firm focused on soybean traits. The company has also helped develop the Balance GT trait for Bayer that has received approval for use in the market, but is awaiting EPA's clearance of the herbicide that goes with the genetic tool. The company has also worked with Dow AgroSciences to bring greater genetic diversity to the Enlist system with the Enlist E3 technology.
Joe Merschman, president of MS Technolgies, noted in the announcement that "having Syngenta on board will allow us to work jointly to deliver high-yielding elite soybean genetics and exceptional weed control to even more soybean growers."
No timeline was offered concerning release of Syngenta soybeans with the new Enlist E3 trait; or corn with Enlist.
Source: Syngenta
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