USDA’s Lubbock, Texas, Cropping Systems Research Lab is opening its doors to the public for its 2019 field day, Tuesday, August 6.
“Producers, students, ag-consultants, actually anyone who is curious about federal ag research in the West Texas region is welcome,” says Dr. Steve Mauget, USDA-ARS Plant Stress and Water Conservation Laboratory meteorologist.
Registration for the free event will begin at 8:15 a.m., followed by field tours, lunch, and four, brief afternoon presentations, including a legislative and farm bill update by Tom Sell of Combest, Sell and Associates. The lab is located at 3810 4th Street.
The morning field tour will highlight research related to cotton, peanuts, sorghum, and maize. Seven continuing education units will be offered (five crop management and two TDA units).
Click here for more information or contact Teresa McKelvey at [email protected].
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