Farm Progress

How to use cover crops to reduce nitrate loss

Iowa Learning Farms’ Dec. 13 webinar will explore lessons learned from using cover crops to reduce nitrate losses.

December 6, 2017

1 Min Read
GET IT COVERED: Cover crops like winter rye can be an effective strategy for reducing nitrate losses to groundwater or tile drainage.

Even with excellent nutrient management, nitrate losses from corn and soybean fields can occur because these cash crops only grow and take up nitrate and water for five months of the year. Cover crops like winter rye can be an effective strategy for reducing nitrate losses to groundwater or tile drainage because they can take up water and nitrates during the period between harvest and planting of the next year’s crop.

Tom Kaspar, a USDA researcher stationed at Iowa State University who is an expert on cover crops, will discuss lessons learned from using cover crops to reduce losses of nitrate during the Iowa Learning Farms webinar noon Dec. 13.

Kaspar is a plant physiologist at the USDA Agricultural Research Service’s National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment in Ames. He is also one of the leading voices on cover crops across the Midwest and one of the founding members of the Midwest Cover Crops Council. Kaspar’s research has focused on using cover crops and no-till to improve water quality and soil health in corn and soybean production systems.

Cover crops improve soil, water quality
“Over 15 years, tile drain monitoring on research plots in Iowa has shown that a winter rye cover crop reduced both nitrate loss and concentration in tile drainage by over 55% in a corn-soybean rotation,” Kaspar notes. “Farmers have shown that cover crops can be successfully grown in corn-soybean rotations in Iowa to protect and improve both soil and water.”

To access the Iowa Learning Farms webinar series, go to at noon Dec. 13 and log in through the “guest” option. The webinar will be recorded and archived on the ILF website for viewing at any time at

Source: Iowa Learning Farms

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