February 11, 2010

[video: id=streamhoster-http://web18.streamhoster.com/pentonmedia/penton/breed/d807d675-5312-49db-a081-3a91fb97927e.flv, thumb=http://web18.streamhoster.com/pentonmedia/penton/breed/634014970138077374.gif]
Cotton has faced some difficult times in recent years, but cotton farmers have known they had a friend in Cotton Incorporated, the producer and importer-funded research and promotion program for cotton. J. Berrye Worsham, president and chief executive officer of Cotton Incorporated, discussed what his organization is doing to increase demand for cotton over that for synthetic fibers, keeping consumers engaged with cotton and developing ways to lower costs and improve efficiency for growers. His comments came during a media briefing at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences.
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