October 30, 2018
Approximately $899,988 in cost-share funding was obligated to agricultural producers in the Panhandle-South Plains region through the USDA-NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). The voluntary three-year program concluded at the end of Fiscal Year 2018 (Sept. 30).
RCPP addressed irrigation water and soil moisture management on a regional basis. There were 149 contracts awarded on 52,938 acres.
Initial high priority funding items included irrigation system monitoring equipment, soil moisture sensors, chemigation check valves, and flow meters. The program later expanded to include medium priority items, such as irrigation pipelines, center pivots, and subsurface drip irrigation.
High Plains Underground Water Conservation District (HPWD) served as the lead agency for the program. Supporting partners included Hemphill County UWCD in Canadian, Llano Estacado UWCD at Seminole, Mesa UWCD at Lamesa, North Plains GCD at Dumas, Sandy Land UWCD at Plains, and South Plains UWCD at Brownfield.
"We want to thank the RCPP participants for their efforts to improve irrigation application efficiencies through the use of irrigation and soil moisture monitoring equipment," said HPWD General Manager Jason Coleman. "This can help achieve additional water and energy savings for our region."
Created in 1951 by local residents and the Texas Legislature, the High Plains Water District works to conserve, preserve, protect, and prevent the waste of underground water within its 16-county service area. HPWD is the first groundwater conservation district created in Texas.
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