Wallaces Farmer

Expo highlights Iowa beef cattleExpo highlights Iowa beef cattle

The annual Iowa Beef Expo showcases cattle producers from across the state and provides numerous contests for youth to gain skills.

Jennifer Carrico

February 27, 2023

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Simmental heifer reclines next to an orange bowl.

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EXPO: A Simmental heifer relaxes in the beef barn at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa, prior to the breed’s sale during the 2023 Iowa Beef Expo.Photos by Jennifer Carrico

The Iowa Beef Expo has showcased Iowa’s beef industry for nearly 50 years, providing a place for purebred breeders to market their stock and junior showmen to exhibit their animals.

This year’s event featured individual breed sales, the supreme drive of champion breed animals, a livestock judging contest, award presentations and the junior show. The Supreme Champion sale bull was awarded to the Angus bull, consigned by Jensen Angus Farm of Plainfield, Iowa. The Supreme Champion sale heifer was awarded to the Simmental heifer, consigned by Gerdes Show Cattle of West Point, Iowa.

The 2023 Seedstock Producer of the Year was presented to Greenman Family Angus of Garner, Iowa, and the 2023 Friend of the Iowa Beef Expo award was given to Terry Woiwood of Garner. The expo concluded with the naming of the Top 5 Junior Breeding Heifers and Market Animals. Drew Jacobson of Osceola, Iowa, showed the Grand Champion Market Animal and Sara Sullivan of Dunlap, Iowa, showed the Grand Champion Breeding Heifer.

For more information on the Iowa Beef Expo, visit iowabeefexpo.com.

About the Author

Jennifer Carrico

Jennifer Carrico of Redfield, Iowa, runs a small cow-calf operation with her family. She is a former editor of Wallaces Farmer.

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