March 14, 2016
The new Wheat Growers Kennebec, S.D., Agronomy Center is up and running for the 2016 planting season. “We’re very excited to put this planting season in high gear in this area and what it will mean to grower service and satisfaction,” said Steve Briggs, Wheat Growers senior vice president, agronomy and corporate marketing, during the center’s recent open house.
The new Wheat Growers Agronomy Center includes liquid and dry fertilizer storage and loading out facilities, a blending tower, a state-of-the-art soybean and wheat treatment facility.
The 20,000-square-foot Agronomy Center has 150,000 gallons of liquid fertilizer and 13,500 tons of dry fertilizer capacity. The 200-ton capacity blending tower, the 150,000-gallon liquid fertilizer load-out system and a new, state-of-the-art seed treatment facility for wheat and soybeans are also ready for Wheat Growers customers.
Jeff Tiede, Wheat Growers South Regional Operations Manager, said the Agronomy Center will provide greater opportunities for existing Wheat Growers customers as well as attract new business.
“We have a large customer base centered around Brule and Lyman counties, but our infrastructure, especially fertilizer load-out capabilities, has not been able to meet the demand. With this new facility in Kennebec we now have tremendous storage capacity that will make a huge difference logistically when it comes to re-supply during the busy season. And we’ve quadrupled our efficiency in terms of load-out speed.”
The Agronomy Center is the first phase of Wheat Growers’ $40 million project that will include a grain handling facility and shuttle loader in Kennebec. The new elevator is expected to be completed by late spring or early summer. Work has started on placement of the loop track for a 110-car shuttle train.
Wheat Growers is a grain and agronomy cooperative in the heart of South and North Dakota. Owned by the members it serves, Wheat Growers exists to provide, with integrity, customers with reliable markets, services and quality products through a safety-oriented, profitable and innovative organization.
Source: Wheat Growers
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