Dakota Farmer

New WestBred wheats for Northern Plains

Varieties have yield potential, good agronomic traits and disease package.

October 20, 2016

2 Min Read

Northern wheat growers looking for spring wheat varieties with strong agronomic and disease resistance packages have several options from WestBred wheat.

WB9653, a recently released hard red spring wheat variety, combines the attributes of WB-Mayville and WB9507. With a high-yield potential, reduced height and excellent straw strength, WB9653 is well adapted for production from eastern Minnesota to the western Dakotas. It has very good resistance to fusarium head blight (scab) and yellow (stripe) rust, the company says.


“A lot of growers this year were really happy with the variety,” says Steve Sebesta, WestBred manager for the northern region. “They’re reporting high yields, 80 to 90 bushels per acre, even in the central part of [North Dakota] where it was a little drier. As a newer variety, WB9653 is already being compared with the top varieties in the state.”

WB-Mayville has high-protein potential, excellent and consistent straw strength, excellent test weight, very good milling and baking quality, and is resistant to stem and leaf rust, Sebesta says.

“It’s quickly become one of the favorite varieties in the eastern part of my region since it was released, primarily because of high-yield potential, excellent protein content and outstanding straw strength.”

WB-Mayville responds well to more intensive management, higher seeding rates and very productive land. WestBred highly recommends it for production in Minnesota and the eastern Dakotas.

WB9507 has high-yield potential and wide adaptation across the Northern region, but it performs particularly well in western North Dakota.

“What I’ve learned in the trials that I’ve had this year is once you go west of Highway 83 in North Dakota, WB9507 is just flat-out hard to beat in yield potential and protein content,” says Troy Sayler, WestBred technical product manager for the Northern Plains.

WB9507 has very good resistance to fusarium head blight and excellent tolerance to tan spot.

Plant WB9507 on lighter soils, being vigilant about spraying for stripe rust, and seed it at about 1.2 million seeds per acre.

Learn more at westbred.com or by calling 800-705-2309.

Source: WestBred

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