Farm Progress

More nozzles approved for use with XtendiMax herbicidesMore nozzles approved for use with XtendiMax herbicides

TurboDrop D Series nozzles from Greenleaf Technologies are among new nozzles approved for XtendiMax herbicide with VaporGrip Technology applications.

Forrest Laws 1, Director of Content

March 2, 2017

2 Min Read

For months there was only one nozzle approved for applying the new XtendiMax herbicide with VaporGrip Technology on dicamba-tolerant crops. Now 20 are included as part of new labeling approved by EPA.

Six of the TurboDrop D Series nozzles manufactured by Greenleaf Technologies are included in the 20 approved for use with XtendiMax herbicide with VaporGrip Technology. Greenleaf said three of the nozzles have also been approved for application of the new Enlist Duo herbicide.

“The D Series of our popular TurboDrop nozzles were designed with dicamba, 2,4-D and glyphosate applications in mind,” said Will Smart, president of Greenleaf Technologies. “These nozzles deliver ultra-coarse (UC) and extremely coarse (XC) spray droplets for maximum drift control over a wide operating range. 

“The air-energized droplets provide better coverage than solid liquid droplets of similar size by increasing the number droplets in the spray, by accelerating the droplets into the crop canopy, and by improving the spreading dynamics of the droplets upon impact. Plus, the D Version of the TurboDrop DualFan can cover the target from two to four different angles to further enhance herbicide performance.”

Greenleaf has the only DualFan nozzles approved for use with the XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology, Smart said. “Ultra-coarse (UC) nozzles are great for drift control, but not so great for coverage.

“Alternating our DualFan nozzles will help make up for the deficiencies of UC droplets. In addition, having the ability to switch-out the tips to deliver medium to coarse droplets for other applications makes our TurboDrop nozzles much more versatile than any other nozzle on the market today.”

According to Smart, Greenleaf Technologies’ standard TDXL and TADF nozzles can be converted easily and inexpensively to D Series simply by changing out the tips. To convert the TADF03 to a TDXL 11003-D, remove the DualCap and replace with it with a TipCap TCP 11008 (white) tip and a DIF4 diffuser. To convert the TADF03 to a TDAFO3-D, replace the two nozzle tips, with an SMP11003 in front and a SMP8005 in back.

“Each approved nozzle has a specific operating range in terms of pressure, which can be found under the “Nozzles” tab at,” said Smart. “Most of our competitors have a much more limited pressure range that we have with our nozzles. But regardless of which brand of nozzle you use, it’s critical for farmers and applicators to consult Monsanto’s XtendiMax label before applying this product.”

For more information about applying the new herbicide, visit the Monsanto, which weed scientists point out is actually part of the XtendiMax herbicide with VaporGrip Technology label.

For more information on Greenleaf Technologies, visit

About the Author

Forrest Laws 1

Director of Content, Farm Press

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