Farm Progress

2016 UC Davis Weed Day marks 60th anniversary

UC Davis Weed Science Program marks 60th anniversary of its annual weed day

tfitchette, Associate Editor

October 21, 2016

19 Slides
<p>Notable herbicide damage to a young walnut tree from a university study that purposefully exposes the trees to various rates of different herbicides.</p>

The 60th Annual Weed Day at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) drew a capacity crowd of about 140 registered participants, including farm advisors, weed science program graduate students and chemical company representatives.

Also notable for this year's event was a cool shot of air, courtesy of what is better known in the region as the "Delta Breeze" or when an onshore breeze blows through the Bay Area and cools points inland as far as Sacramento and beyond.

So rather than suffer the morning field tours in temperatures pushing or exceeding 100 degrees, the morning started out in the upper 50s and proceeded to warm gradually from there.

Much of the weed science research conducted on the UC Davis campus and its research farms can deal with testing the efficacy of herbicides and weeds for resistance to the various technologies available to growers today.

Researchers also study the affects of herbicide drift on non-target plants, including trees and vegetable crops.

Some of the ongoing research in recent years has centered on bindweed control in tomatoes and melons.


About the Author


Associate Editor, Western Farm Press

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