We told you recently about the pneumatic farm tires that Mitas is moving closer to market. Still in a concept phase, a demonstration at the recent Farm Progress Show would indicate that the half-tire, half-track concept is quickly moving along.
Watching a tractor equipped with the tires that look as if they are flat, drive over posts and other objects was only half the value of the demonstration. It was being broadcast live onto a huge video screen that onlookers could look above the tractor cab and see at the same time they watched the tractor move along.
See and see! You could watch this demonstration live and also see what the tire company thought was important unfolding live on the big screen above the tractor.
What was even more amazing was that sometimes the image on the screen was different than the image in front of your eyes on the demonstration track. Cameras and cameramen captured more up close images, perhaps of how well the operator was handling the ride in the cab or of how well the tires were flexing under the tractor. You could watch that on the screen while you saw the tractor moving across the demonstration strip in real time, in live action.
The result was an eye-popping demonstration that was hard to pull away from. A tractor with regular tires also was part of the demonstration for comparison purposes. It also made an appearance on the big screen.
Imagine what it might have been like at the first Farm Progress Show in 1953. There were field demonstrations, but video cameras the average person could use weren't even around yet. If someone attending the show had a TV, it was likely black and white.
Related: Tire concept could change farm equipment tires as you know them
Odds are good not everyone who attended even had indoor plumbing back home yet. And telephones were something you talked on or listened on – sometimes to the neighbors too because you likely had a party line.
The Mitas demonstration of this tire was fascinating, but so was the way they chose to display it. The Farm Progress Show is as much about the technology used to promote technology as it is modern farm implements themselves.
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