Following a week of rainfall, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension IPM Agent Danielle Sekula urges producers to scout their fields for sugarcane aphids (SCA).
"Prior to the rain, we were finding very light to moderated SCA populations-- it was fairly clean. Now, since last week's rainfall, there has been a spike in SCA. We are seeing high numbers in mature sorghum ready for harvest as well as in flowering sorghum.
"These are the highest populations we've seen all summer."
Despite the muddy fields, Sekula encourages producers to check their field margins. "If you can see leaves glistening for the sugars the SCA excrete when feeding in abundance, if you see a lot of this, you are likely at threshold and will need to treat."
Sekula discusses the state of the Valley sorghum crop, harvest and pests and treatment. Watch this video to learn more.
*Photos in the video by Danielle Sekula, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
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