As of Monday (Oct. 19), U.S. peanut farmers had harvested 45 percent of the 2015 crop from an estimated 1.56 million acres, up significantly from last year’s 1.33 million.
Overall, acreage harvested tracks close to the five-year average of 53 percent, according to the latest USDA crop progress report, but harvest for key Southeastern states lags behind due to heavy rainfall in recent weeks.
Georgia peanut harvest is rated at 39 percent complete compared to 47 percent this time last year and the 53 percent five-year average. North Caroline at 23 percent harvested is off from last year’s 47 percent and the five-year average of 45 percent. South Carolina harvest also lags, 24 percent compared to 50 percent last year and 60 percent for the five-year average. Virginia is at 35 percent compared to 41 percent in 2014 but slightly above the 34 percent five-year average.
Florida harvest is 82 percent complete, ahead of the five year average (72 percent) and last year (66 percent).
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Alabama harvest progress at 60 percent complete is ahead of last year (56 percent) and the five-year average (48 percent).
Southwest peanut harvest progress is mixed. Texas, at 34 percent complete, is ahead of last year’s 25 percent but behind the five-year average of 45 percent. Oklahoma harvest is estimated to be 45 percent complete, compared to 33 percent for last year and 33 percent for the last five years.
Crop conditions mixed
Crop conditions across the peanut producing states show mostly fair (28 percent) to good (50 percent) with 13 percent rated excellent and only 9 percent rated either poor (7 percent) or very poor (2 percent).
South Carolina conditions show the greatest impact from wet fall weather. More than 75 percent of the crop is rated very poor (13 percent), poor (30 percent), or fair (35 percent). Only 18 percent is rated good and 7 percent is excellent.
Georgia conditions are: very poor, 1 percent; poor 7 percent; fair, 24 percent; good, 49 percent; and excellent 19 percent. Alabama: poor, 10 percent; fair 26 percent; good, 53 percent, and excellent 11 percent. Florida: very poor 1 percent; poor,7 percent; fair, 24 percent; good,49 percent, and excellent,19 percent. North Carolina: very poor, 5 percent; poor, 16 percent; fair, 35 percent; good, 38 percent, and excellent, 6 percent. Virginia: fair, 41 percent; good, 55 percent and excellent, 4 percent.
In the Southwest, Texas peanuts are rated 1 percent poor, 34 percent fair, 58 percent good, and 7 percent excellent. Oklahoma conditions are: poor, 2 percent; fair, 10 percent; good, 81 percent; and excellent, 7 percent.
Estimated acreage for harvest by state is: Alabama, 212,000; Florida, 169,000; Georgia, 790,000; Mississippi, 34,000; New Mexico, 5,000; Oklahoma, 9,000; South Carolina, 110,000; Texas, 132,000; and Virginia, 23,000.
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