February 24, 2014
Pecan growers from Arizona, New Mexico, California, and West Texas will gather to hear the latest updates on production and marketing at the annual Western Pecan Growers Association conference and trade show March 2-4 in Las Cruces.
Presentations will include global trends in nut production and consumption, diagnosis of pecan nutrient disorders and a survey of pecan consumers' preferences.
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"Pecans are very important to New Mexico," said John White, director of the association. "The New Mexico pecan benefits from our ideal growing conditions. We're usually one of the top states in terms of pecan production."
Weather not ideal for New Mexico pecan crop.
New Mexico State University's Cooperative Extension Service will host the 2014 Western Pecan Growers Association conference and trade show at Hotel Encanto, 705 S. Telshor Blvd. in Las Cruces. The parking situation is limited around the hotel and overflow parking can use the Mesilla Valley Mall Designated Parking Area and take the hotel shuttle to the hotel and back.
Also of interest:
In New Mexico it is not good nutty weather
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