Farm Progress

Wet weather continues to hit the MidwestWet weather continues to hit the Midwest

Only two states in the continental United States show extreme drought conditions.

Kristy Foster Seachrist, Digital editor

June 1, 2017

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Rainfall slowed down across the major Midwestern corn and soybean production areas, but cool weather and occasional showers kept fieldwork moving at a slow pace. 
Some of the most significant Midwestern rain, locally 1 to 2 inches, fell from Missouri into the lower Great Lakes region. In addition, cool conditions dominated the nation’s mid-section, with weekly temperatures averaging at least 5°F below normal across a broad area centered across the upper Midwest. Patchy freezes continued to affect portions of the northern Plains, especially from May 21-24. Farther south, drenching rains eased or eradicated most of the remaining
Southeastern drought concerns,except across Florida’s peninsula. Much of central and southern Florida’s rain— totaling less than an inch in most locations—fell on May 24, and was followed by a return of hot, dry weather. In contrast, most areas west of the Rockies experienced a full week of dry weather, promoting a rapid fieldwork pace. 

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