Farm Progress

Midwest agronomists talk August crop progress

Detailed state updates by Winfield United agronomists show corn and soybean issues as of late-August 2018.

This fourth report of 2018 from Winfield United agronomists in eight Midwest states show corn and some soybeans maturing ahead of normal.

Corn harvest in many areas may be two to three weeks ahead of schedule. All agronomists recommend scouting now to determine corn harvest order by field as nutrient deficiencies, diseases and insects may have compromised stalk quality leading to early lodging. Who has time for down-corn harvest?

Here’s a brief highlight by state. Click through the gallery to get all the details for your state.


Illinois: Foliar fungicides helped on corn and soybeans (like in many states), as non-treated fields show more gray leaf spot and frogeye leaf spot.

Indiana: Corn and soybean diseases are increasing, causing potential to impact yield.

Iowa: Rapid growth (as in many states) may have challenged corn stalk integrity; recommend harvesting at least 1/3 of most vulnerable corn acres before cutting soybeans.

Michigan: Two-thirds of the state is experiencing varying levels of drought.

Minnesota: Corn fields without in-season nitrogen applications are showing deficiencies (like in numerous states).

Ohio: Outbreaks of gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight and stalk rots in corn on the rise. Soybeans showing Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), frogeye leaf spot and cercospora diseases.

South Dakota: A lot of crop variability across the state—wet areas showing nutrient deficiency, dry areas are harvesting corn for silage.

Wisconsin: Crops showing accelerated maturity (like numerous states). Disease pressure and nutrient deficiency are higher than normal.

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