August 4, 2017

It's no secret that drought and crop conditions continue to worsen in Iowa and the Dakotas. This means a significant portion of the nation’s soybean crop could be in trouble.
The Iowa Soybean Association takes a look at crop conditions, how the drought could impact the markets and how farmers want a super soaker to help crops in Iowa and the Dakota.
Here is what some farmers are saying about their fields:
Crop updates from ISA members and Midwest farmers
•ISA Board member Pat Swanson, Ottumwa: “We are in a severe drought. We had the third driest June and July on record. The corn is starting to fire and I filed my first silage appraisal. We are still praying for rain for our short beans.”
•Sheila Hebenstreit, Greene County: “We are under an umbrella in a rain free zone. In general, we get a sprinkle to a maximum of .3 inches. Some really good corn ground that was planted a little damp is ‘pineappled’ and will not recover. Many fields look pretty good from the road, but out in the field things look pretty tough.”
•Dean Coleman, Humboldt County: “Things still look good for as dry as it's been although the crops on lighter soils continue to shrink in size. The bottom leaves on the corn are firing as you get out in the field.”
•Craig Converse, South Dakota: “Some places now have been getting rain. Most the state is in a drought. It's worse to the west. Southeast is good.”
•Keith Kemp, Ohio: “We were getting an abundance of rain earlier this year. It's either rain or no rain. There's no perfect place. We've had plenty of moisture, almost excessive.”
•Gene Stoel, Minnesota: “Minnesota is very dry in places and very wet in places. East is dry. West is somewhat dry. It's hard to say what kind of crop is out there. Everyone I've talked to says making a trend crop will be a challenge. Personally, I don't think it's going to happen.”
To get more details, check out the entire story on the Iowa Soybean Association's website.
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