July 16, 2012
Three meetings to offer drought-coping strategies are scheduled for Aug. 1, 8 and 15 for ranchers in southwest Arkansas.
The meetings are:
Aug. 1 -- 6:30 p.m. De Queen, Cossatot Community College-University of Arkansas Ag building.
Aug. 8 -- 6:30 p.m. Magnolia, Bancorp South building, Partee Room.
Aug. 15 -- 6:30 p.m. Hot Springs, Garland County Fairgrounds.
“Our cattle producers are really being hit hard by this year’s drought,” said Jerry Clemons, Clark County Extension staff chair. “We want them to have the tools they need to make solid decisions during this very stressful time.”
There is no cost to attend or pre-event registration.
Each meeting will have the same agenda:
Stretching Your Hay With Crop Residues and Byproduct Feeds, Paul Beck.
Cattle Management During Drought, Tom Troxel.
Forage Management– From Damage to Recovery, John Jennings.
Body Condition Score Based Feeding, Shane Gadberry.
The events are sponsored by the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture and Farm Credit of Western Arkansas.
For more information about the drought meetings, contact your county Extension office.
For more information on coping with drought, visit Arkansas Drought Resources at
The site can be found here or contact your county Extension office.
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