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Land sold online draws demand

Parcels that are advertised for 60 days bring the most return, often with 100-plus bids, BigIron Realty reports.

November 26, 2019

2 Min Read
grain bins
ADDED EXPOSURE: Land selling online is exceeding seller expectations by 10% to 15%. Tyler Harris

Land selling on the online platform is exceeding sellers' expectations by 10% to 15%. Land advertised for 60 days then selling online brings the most return — often with more than 100 bids from dozens of bidders. According BigIron Realty, this is because of transparency and added market exposure.

BigIron Realty of Columbus, Neb., a licensed real estate broker in eight states, compiles the reports for this column, but not all sales are handled by BigIron each month. Contact BigIron at 800-887-8625. The following are several of the most recent sales:


Dixon County. A total of 320 acres sold by sealed bid for $2,235,000. This includes two nice, level-laying quarters. Tract 1 includes 136.74 acres of cropland, seven bins and a small amount of pasture. Tract 2 includes 152.14 acres of cropland, an acreage that consists of a nice home and a couple of buildings in fair to good shape. — Compliments of Farmers National Co.


Hamilton County. Two tracts sold at online auction for $823,982. Tract 1, which contains 78.48 acres, is an irrigated parcel with some of the most desirable soils in the state. It is a highly productive farm. Tract 2, containing 37.9 acres, is a nice, dryland farm with great access and is very productive. — Compliments of BigIron Realty

Saunders County. A total of 145.31 acres sold for $675,691. This is a productive dryland farm with excellent access. The property contains 81.3 acres of crop ground and 56.54 Conservation Reserve Program acres. — Compliments of United Farm & Ranch Management

York County. A total of 116.16 acres sold for $730,000. This farm is pivot-irrigated with excellent soils. It has a seven-tower Valley pivot with a 50-hp submersible well. — Compliments of BigIron Realty


Holt County. A total of 160 acres sold for $288,000. This tract is made up of high-quality subirrigated pasture, including 65 acres historically used for hay production. This is a strong carrying capacity pasture and meadow combination with a windmill for water. — Compliments of Farmers National Co.

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