November 19, 2008
The current roller coaster economy is making it harder than ever to plan for a profitable future. To help Kansas agricultural producers keep informed of trends, opportunities and challenges, Kansas State University Research and Extension will host Ag Profitability conferences over the next three months.
The conferences will be held in six locations around the state to give farmers and ranchers the option to choose the location most convenient for them. The programs vary somewhat at each location. They will cover such topics as Grain Market Situation and Outlook; Bioenergy Trends and Economic Impact; Cattle Outlook; Land Ownership; 2008 Farm Bill; Crop Insurance Changes, Land Lease Arrangements; Affordability of Technology; Fertilizer Profitability; Labor Efficiency; Managing Risk Using AgManager.Info; Current and Future Factors Affecting Agriculture; and Fertilizer Prices/Breakeven.
The dates and locations for each conference are:
•Dec. 9, 2008 - Wichita - 4-H Hall, 7001 W. 21st. St.
•Dec. 17, 2008 - LaCrosse - City Auditorium, 417 Main St.
•Jan. 27, 2009 - Downs -Memorial Hall, 500 Morgan Ave.
•Jan. 29, 2009 - Lyons - Rice Co. Extension office, 701 E. Main St.
•Feb. 26, 2009 - Goodland - Specific location to be announced.
•Feb. 27, 2009 - Garden City - K-State SW Research-Extension Center, 4500 E. Mary St.
More detailed information about registration and the topics to be covered at each location is available on the Web at or by calling 785-532-1504.
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