Looking for numbers to base 2018 cash rent negotiations on? Then you might start with 2017 farm survey results tabulated by the Northeast regional office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.
NASS compared 2016 and 2017 average cash rents for irrigated cropland, non-irrigated cropland and permanent pasture. Not all categories had data available; Rhode Island had none.
• Conn.: Non-irrigated cropland rent dropped $3 to $57 per acre.
• Del.: Irrigated cropland rent was down $5 to $145 an acre; non-irrigated, down $2 to $88.
• Maine: Non-irrigated up $3.50 an acre to $57.
• Md.: Irrigated, up $15 to $190 per acre; non-irrigated, down $6 to $94 an acre; permanent pasture, down $5 to $40 an acre.
• Mass.: Irrigated, up $8 to $220 an acre; non-irrigated, up $14 to $67; permanent pasture, $27.
• N.H.: Non-irrigated, up $9 to $50 an acre.
• N.J.: Irrigated, up $16 to $128 an acre; non-irrigated, up $3 to $63; permanent pasture, down $4 to $36.
• N.Y.: Irrigated, down $12 to $138; non-irrigated, up $2 to $60; permanent pasture, down $2 to $23.
• Pa.: Irrigated, down $15 to $140; non-irrigated, up $1 to $79; permanent pasture, up $14 to $44.
• Vt.: Non-irrigated, steady at $48; permanent pasture, up $4 to $24.50.
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