July 6, 2015

The Ona White Angus may be able to provide reproduction and meat quality advantages of the Angus, while retaining the environmental adaptation and longevity of the Zebu. Zebu breeds, such as Brahman, adapt well to tropical and subtropical environments, which make them ideal for Florida.
The Ona White Angus was developed over two decades of cross-breeding various phenotypes at the University of Florida Range Cattle REC, said center director John Arthington.
“These cattle have established themselves as a distinct new breed,” Arthington said. They are genetically a “black angus” but have a white hair coat color and dark skin, he said. This is somewhat similar to the origins of the Red Angus breed, but with a white phenotype.
“As a breed, we feel that these cattle can provide significant value to beef production enterprises in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, particularly in crossbreeding programs involving white phenotype cows,” Arthington said.
These breeds are often crossed with English breeds, such as Angus to introduce hybrid vigor. An offspring exhibits hybrid vigor if its traits are enhanced as a result of mixing the genetic contributions of its parents.
Angus cattle are known for their low maintenance, adaptability, superior milking capabilities and high fertility rates.
The UF Ona White Angus herd will be sold through a public auction this fall or early winter. For more information about the public auction at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC, please call 863-735-1314 or email Arthington at [email protected].
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