Farm Progress

Alabama’s Statewide Beef Field day is July 30Alabama’s Statewide Beef Field day is July 30

• Topics will include a chute side demonstration of proper tattooing techniques, freeze branding and how to administer herd health injections.• In addition, there will be a discussion on seed stock marketing, a demonstration of the online interactive advertising, a marketing tool to develop an annual advertising budget, and bull calf evaluations to make culling decisions.

July 6, 2011

1 Min Read

The Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association, the Auburn University Department of Animal Sciences and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, are hosts for a statewide Beef Field Day July 30.

This field day will be at the Auburn University Beef Teaching Unit and will start at 8 a.m. You do not have to be a member of BCIA to attend.

Topics will include a chute side demonstration of proper tattooing techniques, freeze branding and how to administer herd health injections.

In addition, there will be a discussion on seed stock marketing, a demonstration of the online interactive advertising, a marketing tool to develop an annual advertising budget, and bull calf evaluations to make culling decisions.

Faculty members from the Auburn animal sciences department along with purebred producers and BCIA staff will present these programs.

Registration fees are $25 by July 20 and onsite registration is $35. Mail registration fees to Alabama BCIA, Attn: Michelle Elmore, 40 County Road 756, Clanton, Ala. 35045.

For additional information, contact Michelle Elmore or call (205) 646-0115.


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