August 18, 2016
The Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Animal Health will meet Sept. 7-8, 2016.
The Committee will discuss issues pertaining to the USDA’s role in promoting and maintaining U.S. animal health. The committee advises the Secretary of Agriculture on means to prevent, conduct surveillance on, monitor, control, or eradicate animal diseases of national importance, while considering public health, conservation of natural resources, and the stability of livestock economies.
The Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Animal Health will meet to discuss issues pertaining to the USDA’s role in promoting and maintaining U.S. animal health. (Photo: susanpetkovic/Thinkstock)
Members of the public can submit questions/comments in advance and attend or listen in by conference call. A final agenda, meeting details and pre-registration for in-person attendees will be posted on the Committee’s website. The meeting will be held at: Jamie L. Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue S.W., Conference Room 104-A, Washington, DC 20205.
Source: USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
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