Wine law seminar at UC Davis to focus on appellationsWine law seminar at UC Davis to focus on appellations
A seminar focusing on wine laws related to wine trade names and appellations — the legally defined and protected geographical regions where wine grapes are grown — will be held June 2 to 4 at the University of California, Davis.
April 15, 2011

A seminar focusing on wine laws related to wine trade names and appellations — the legally defined and protected geographical regions where wine grapes are grown — will be held June 2 to 4 at the University of California, Davis.
The seminar, coordinated by the UC Davis School of Law, will bring together wine producers, marketers, importers, exporters, lawyers, academics and other interested parties from the United States and Europe to explore the background and implications of recent changes in European and U.S. wine laws.
Panel discussions will be moderated by Madhavi Sunder, a professor and intellectual property expert at the UC Davis School of Law, and Clare Hasler-Lewis, executive director of UC Davis’ Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science.
The conference is open to the public, and the $750 registration fee covers conference materials, meals and Napa Valley tours. Registration and the seminar program are available online at: http://extension.ucdavis.edu/unit/winemaking/
Sponsoring the conference with the UC Davis School of Law are UC Davis’ Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, the international law firms CBH Rechtsanwalte and Holland & Knight, the University of California Agricultural Issues Center, and UC Davis Extension’s Center for International Education.
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