February 14, 2017
The Integrated Pest Management in Irrigated Desert Alfalfa Workshop is slated for Feb. 28 in Holtville, Calif. (Imperial County).
The half-day event is 6:30 a.m. to noon at the University of California Desert Research and Extension Center located at 1004 E. Holtville Rd. Holtville 92240 – (760) 356-3060.
Sponsors include UCCE Imperial County and the Imperial County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office.
CEUs - 5-hrs PCA credit, plus a free copy of the IPM book ‘Integrated Pest Management for Alfalfa Hay.’
6:30 - Registration
7:00 – Welcoming comments by Carlos Ortiz, Imperial County Agricultural Commissioners; Oli Bachie – UCCE county director and farm advisor; and Jairo Diaz – Director, UC ANR Desert Research and Extension Center;
7:15 - Jesse Richardson - Dow AgroSciences - History of alfalfa pest management in the western US, insects, chemicals, and struggles;
7:40 - Rachel Garewal - Deputy Agricultural Commissioner, Pesticide Use Enforcement, County of Imperial - Alfalfa Pest Management Regulatory Issues;
8:10 - Ayman Mostafa - Area Agent, Field Crops IPM, University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cooperative Extension, Phoenix, AZ - Economics of the management of alfalfa winter insect pests of the southwest low desert;
8:40 - Pratap Devkota – UC ANR Cooperative Extension Weed Science Advisor, Imperial County - Alfalfa Weed Pest Management;
9:10 – Break;
9:25 – Eric Natwick – UC ANR Cooperative Extension Entomology Advisor, Imperial County - Alfalfa worm pest management;
10:45 - Oli Bachie - Nematode Pests of Alfalfa;
11:15 - Mike Matheron - Extension Plant Pathologist and Research Scientist, University of Arizona Yuma Ag Center, Yuma, Ariz. - Management of Alfalfa Pathogens;
11:45 - Eric Natwick – Leafhoppers Management; and
12:15 - Adjourn
For more information, contact Eric Natwick at (760) 352-9474 or [email protected].
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