December 31, 2014
The ever-increasing competition from agricultural companies breeds unique innovations you can put to work on your farm. We honor those tools and products you, dear reader, find most interesting. Whether you saw it online and clicked for more, or you asked for information from our magazine using the reader service card, you were electing FinOvation honorees.
Vote for the 2015 FinOvation Product of the Year.
As with any year in this competition, the companies highlighted here offer a range of new tools and technologies for your operation. And you’ll find a healthy variety of products in this year’s mix. Those featured here are chosen from a long list of products we’ve covered from November 2013 through October. And while we have 20 great products here, there were dozens of candidates again this year. Ag is the focus of innovation for a lot of American industry. And for those companies whose products were well-received but didn’t make the FinOvation list, our hats are off to you anyway, because we know the innovation and opportunity you bring to the industry.
The categories and innovations featured here give you some ideas for new purchases for 2015, too. We have a first in that two brands offered a similar product, and readers responded to both. They’re both honored here. From new utility vehicles to key tech in tires, from new tools for planting to hot harvest products, readers responded to the innovations they found and wanted to know more. So read on to check out the 2015 FinOvation honorees. They represent a lot of research and development in new ways to make life easier, and more productive, on the farm.
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