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‘Not new but neat’ products for the field and bins‘Not new but neat’ products for the field and bins

Browse through these handy products that you may have missed when they made their debut.

Allison Lynch, Staff Writer

February 15, 2024

3 Min Read
People walking through an exhibition hall with various vendors and booths
BRAVING THE COLD: Visitors to the Fort Wayne Farm Show braved the cold temperatures and snow flurries to check out the newest technology and equipment.Photos by Allison Lund

It can be hard to keep up with the ever-changing tools and gadgets that are invented to make farm life easier. However, we’ve done the hard part for you. Browse through the following for a sampling of “not new but neat” products that were recently showcased at the Fort Wayne Farm Show in Fort Wayne, Ind.

RWP-1935 Rock Windrower-Picker. This rock windrower-picker manufactured by Schulte is currently the largest available on the market. With working widths of 16 to 19 feet, it is sure to cover acres fast.

The best part? It cuts the work to a single pass instead of two. This tool is made to handle rocks from 2 inches all the way up to 27 inches. Additionally, it folds to less than 10 feet wide for easy transport.

Schulte RWP-1935 rock windrower picker

The list price is $168,000, but retail prices may be less. For more information, visit Direct questions to [email protected] or call 765-438-0145.

360 Rain. The 360 Rain by 360 Yield Center reimagines irrigation and manure application technology. This autonomous system is equipped with GPS RTK technology and can navigate any odd field shape. It follows a pattern that prevents the wheels from getting wet and causing soil compaction.

This system uses Y-drops to create a more efficient application, and it operates with wells that supply 200 gallons of water per minute — about half of what is required for other irrigation systems.

A sign for the 360 Rain fertilizer and irrigation system

Visit to see one of the systems in action and to find more information. Reach out to [email protected] or call 260-273-2722 with questions.

Unloading Auger Tippy Spout. Lankota’s LANTS22478 unloading auger tippy spout allows for more control when dumping grain from the combine. The spout automatically turns down when unloading begins. The operator can then override the spout with a foot pedal in the cab to change the spout’s angle.

This spout kit currently fits only the 17-inch John Deere high unload rate augers, but there are plans for more kits to fit a wider variety of augers. The tippy spout is available for $3,950.

A close up of Lankota’s tippy spout for combine tractors

For more information, visit or reach out via call or text to 866-526-5682.

Cornado Grain Spreader. A farmer-invented product, the Cornado Grain Spreader helps ensure a more even spread of fines in the bin. This allows for a more level bin and better aeration.

The Cornado is designed so a temperature cable can be hung from the center of the bin and a Stir-Ator mount can be added. It can also be greased and adjusted from the top of the bin.

The Cornado grain spreader on display

To see the Cornado in action and for more information, visit Direct questions to [email protected] or call 419-375-1020.

About the Author

Allison Lynch

Staff Writer, Indiana Prairie Farmer

Allison Lynch, formerly Allison Lund, is a staff writer for Indiana Prairie Farmer. She graduated from Purdue University with a major in agricultural communications and a minor in crop science. She served as president of Purdue’s Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow chapter. In 2022, she received the American FFA Degree.

Lynch grew up as the oldest of four children on a cash grain farm in south-central Wisconsin, where the primary crops were corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa. Her family also raised chewing tobacco and Hereford cattle. She spent most of her time helping with the tobacco crop in the summer and raising Boer goats for FFA projects. She now lives near Winamac, Ind, where her husband farms with his family.

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