August 20, 2018
The Farm Progress Show will be held in Boone, Iowa, on Aug. 28-30. For more information, see
Staying healthy and protecting yourself and others from injury is good for your family and your business. The Health and Safety Tent brings together a variety of partners that can help with information and sample products. Located at Lot 1358 at the far southeast side of the exhibit display area, next to Gate 4, the facility provides a number of services:
Farmer’s Coffee Corner in the Health and Safety Tent gives you a place to sit down and relax at the show while you grab a free cup of coffee, water or a treat.
Business Safety
National Worker Protection Standard. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s Pesticide Bureau will demonstrate Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative (PERC) Sample Training Activities. Adapted to the situations and challenges faced by those working with pesticides, each activity includes training techniques, a list of materials and props, and instructions. Training resources will be available.
AgriSafe Network is excited to partner with the Farm Progress Show Health and Safety Tent Partners again this year, and will provide Agricultural Respirator Selection guides, Farm Work Respirator Decision guides, Take 5 Tips for speaking to your Health Care Provider, and much more. Take part in the Total Farmer Health Campaign survey and receive a PPE kit. Respirator and ear plug samples will also be available.
The Legacy of Christopher Allsup Foundation raises awareness about the dangers of portable gasoline containers, especially if they are not equipped with a flame arrestor. Hear their story, and find out how you can keep your family safe.
The Grain Handling Safety Coalition is a volunteer group of industry-related associations, agencies and individuals with a shared dedication to preventing accidents, injuries and fatalities in grain handling operations. Safety doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated — it just needs to be done. Visitors will be able to learn grain handling safety methods through daily demonstrations and other hands on options.
Live and Learn. The Health and Safety Tent is bringing ag centers from Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska to the Farm Progress Show.
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center is all about improving the safety and health of agricultural workers and families through research, education and prevention. UMASH is offering The Do’s and Don’ts of Sun Protection, Needlestick Prevention, Confined Spaces, Roadway Safety and Manure Gas Safety information for both youth and adults. Come to the booth, spin the prize wheel for fun, learn something new and leave with a safety resource such as sunscreen samples, or coloring sheets and crayons.
Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health is part of the University of Iowa, addressing the health and safety needs of agricultural workers in nine Midwest states.
Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health works with the agricultural community in the central states and beyond to conduct research, intervention, education and outreach activities.
Responding to injuries
Stop the Bleed. Farm accidents can cause serious injuries. It only takes a few short minutes for someone to bleed to death, and the only thing more tragic than a death is a death that could have been prevented. The Stop the Bleed campaign is teaching people across America life-saving bleeding control measures. Demonstrations and mini-training sessions will show people how to take immediate action to save a life before responders can arrive. You can save a life. Free tourniquets will be given to the first 25 participants each day.
The National AgrAbility Project helps farmers, ranchers and other agricultural workers with physical limitations utilize assistive technology and sound information to pursue success in rural America. See what is available and how it could change your life.
Life Essentials will display mobility products that are as tough as you are. For those with mobility challenges that want to stay active on the farm, this is a resource worth seeing.
Rural Roadway Safety
Zero Fatalities Iowa. Your safety isn’t virtual. Make it a reality. Using virtual reality technology, the Iowa Department of Transportation and Zero Fatalities Iowa will put you in the passenger seat to experience life on the road with an unbelted driver. A second scenario highlights dangers specific to work zones. The scenarios will alternate day to day, so plan to visit the booth.
Operation Lifesaver strives to increase public awareness about the dangers around trains and rails. The program seeks to educate both drivers and pedestrians to make safe decisions at crossings and around railroad tracks. This year, the Iowa Operation Lifesaver volunteers will focus on field-to-field and grade-crossing safety for farm equipment.
Healthy Living
Lead poisoning prevention. How much do you know about lead poisoning in Iowa? Do you have children or grandchildren at risk of exposure? Do you have a job that exposes you to lead? Are you a hunter or fisherman? Are you a landlord with a house built before 1978? The Iowa Department of Public Health’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program can answer your questions and provide information to help you keep your family safe.
The Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest believes that everyone benefits when create a safe, healthy and productive workforce. HWCMW brings together workers and employers to figure out best practices that make a difference.
Hy-Vee Healthy You Mobile will provide fun and facts from Hy-Vee dieticians and pharmacists, who will be offering blood pressure and body fat checks plus free flu shots when a pharmacist is on-site.
Iowa Cancer Consortium knows that nobody wants to hear the “C word.” Learn how this group partners to work together to reduce cancer in Iowa. Visitors will receive free sunscreen and SPF lip balm.
Iowa Get Screened will be on-site to offer educational materials and free screening information for colon, breast and cervical cancer, as well as diabetes and heart disease prevention. Lots of free giveaway items.
Where to turn
Community & Family Resources is dedicated to assist individuals, families and communities achieve healthy behaviors and lifestyles through advocacy, prevention and treatment of substance abuse, problem gambling, and mental illness.
Iowa Concern Hotline is a source of help for Iowan’s in need 24/7, 365 days a year. They can help with legal, finance, stress and crisis or disaster needs. Talk to a staff member and pick up some materials along with pens, pencils, chip clips, lip balm and jar grippers.
Iowa Women in Agriculture will update visitors on IWIA’s efforts over the past 12 years to build on the strengths of women farmers, landowners and agribusiness professionals. One free registration to the 2019 IWIA Conference will be given away daily. Stop by and let IWIA know how it can help you achieve success in your business and connect with other women in agriculture.
Iowa Flex Program and the State Office of Rural Health work to improve patient access to critical access hospitals and community resources, especially in rural areas.
Iowa Department of Public Health Occupational Health & Safety Program is the official host for the 2018 Health and Safety Tent. Visit the display to learn more about a variety of health and safety topics, such as dealing with stress, radon, well water testing, the opioid crisis, rabies exposures, poison control and much more. New this year is a foam stress barn. You can find contact information for all the Health and Safety Tent partners online at the IDPH OHSSP website,
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