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Planning to fly to show?Planning to fly to show?

Decatur, Ill., airport is 6 miles away from Farm Progress Show site.

1 Min Read
Decatur airport sign
LANDING ZONE: Decatur’s airport in Illinois offers top-quality facilities for farmers who want to fly in for the Farm Progress Show. United Airlines now serves the airport as well.

If your plans are to fly in your own plane to the 2021 Farm Progress Show, you can land at the Decatur Airport 6 miles from the show site.

Decatur Airport is the official “fly-in host” of the show. The staff at Gaitros Aviation will make every effort to make your fly-in comfortable and convenient.

You will be met by a “follow me” vehicle, which will lead you to a parking marshal. You’ll be greeted by Gaitros Aviation staff who will provide you with coffee and cookies to get your day started right.

Free shuttle vans provided by the Decatur Park District and Decatur Airport will run continually throughout the day from the show to the airport.

Pilots staying at the fixed base operator during the Farm Progress Show can enjoy a farm-to-table dining experience at Everyone’s East End Grill restaurant within the terminal airport building. A pilot’s lounge and quiet room are also available. For additional information, visit

The airport offers car rentals from Avis and Budget. If you want to rent a car, reserve early.

And if you’d rather fly commercial, United Airlines now serves the Decatur airport. Specific airport services and information for pilots is at Decatur Airport's website.

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National Hog Farmer Staff

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