Farm Progress

Plan to attend a soil health field day near youPlan to attend a soil health field day near you

Learn how management practices that improve soil health can improve your farming operation and profitability.

July 3, 2017

2 Min Read
SAVE THE DATE: Farmers are encouraged to attend upcoming soil health field days across the Midwest this summer. Sponsored by the Soil Health Partnership, the field days look at ways to make farmland more productive, efficient and sustainable.

When it comes to caring for farmland and adopting the next generation of farming practices, there cannot be enough sharing. That’s the philosophy of the Soil Health Partnership, hosting its fourth year of field days this summer and fall within its network of more than 100 farms.

At these field days, Midwest farmers can learn how changing nutrient management and tillage strategies, along with cover crop adoption, can make farmland more productive, efficient and sustainable.

Upcoming SHP field days in Iowa
Some events are open for registration in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Nebraska. The organization plans about 70 field days throughout this summer and fall, with more events yet to be scheduled in those states, plus additional events in Missouri, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Register for the field days online. Here are the upcoming field days in Iowa:

July 12. Cinnamon Ridge Dairy Soil Health Field Day, Donahue
July 12. Gaesser Soil Health Field Day, Corning
July 13. Carter Soil Health Round Table, Audubon
July 19. Bertness Soil Health Field Day, Sioux Rapids
July 26. Dial Soil Health Round Table, Lake City
Aug. 22. Bartman Soil Health Field Day, Rock Valley
Aug. 30. Mueller Soil Health Field Day, Waverly

Improve your operation and profitability
“Whether you are brand new to the topics covered during a field walk, field day or round table discussion, or you are a seasoned soil health veteran, you can learn valuable information that will help your business,” says Nick Goeser, director of the Soil Health Partnership and National Corn Growers Association director of soil health and sustainability. “We know local information is most relevant to agronomists and other farmers, and this is a unique chance to learn from neighbors and other experts about what has worked in your area.”

Protecting and improving soil is one of the best opportunities for increased yield potential and water quality, erosion control and carbon mitigation, Goeser says.

The Soil Health Partnership is a data-driven program working to quantify the benefits of practices that support soil health, from an economic as well as environmental standpoint. An initiative of the National Corn Growers Association, the partnership works closely with diverse organizations, including commodity groups, industry, foundations, federal agencies, universities and environmental groups toward common goals.

For a list of upcoming field days throughout the Midwest, and to register, visit More dates will be added throughout the summer.

Source: Soil Health Partnership, Iowa Corn Growers Association


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