February 27, 2019
The latest crop and farm management information will be presented at the annual meetings of Iowa State University research farm associations at several locations around the state next week. ISU Extension specialists will present results of studies, provide recommendations and answer questions.
March 5 at Nashua
Improving water quality and the impact of the U.S.-China trade war will highlight information provided by ISU specialists at the annual meeting of the Northeast Iowa Agricultural Experimental Association. The meeting is March 5 at the Borlaug Learning Center at ISU’s Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm near Nashua.
Free and open to the public, the program begins at 9:30 a.m. for the board meeting. Crop management and information presentations follow at 10 a.m. Topics to be discussed:
Wendong Zhang, ISU Extension economist, will share a presentation titled “U.S.-China Ag Trade and the Trade War.”
Brian Dougherty, ISU Extension ag engineering specialist, will discuss the “Impact of Manure Management and Cover Crops on Drainage Water Quality and Yields.”
Natasha Hoover of ISU’s water quality research lab will talk on “Antimicrobial Resistance: Occurrence, Fate and Transport in Title-drained Agricultural Fields.”
Ken Pecinovsky, superintendent of the Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm, will review 2018 research trial results conducted at the farm.
All who attend will receive a copy of the 2018 Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm Annual Progress Report. CCA credits are available for crop advisers who attend. A lunch served by the Riverton Lucky Clovers 4-H Club is available for purchase. Following lunch, the research farm’s board of directors will meet.
For more information, contact Terry Basol, ISU Extension agronomist, at 641-426-6801. To get there from Nashua at the junction of Highway 218 and County Road B60, go west on B60 1.1 miles to Windfall Avenue, then south 1 mile to 290th Street, and then east to the farm.
March 6 at Kanawha
The 2019 weather outlook and a discussion on corn rootworm management will highlight the North Central Iowa Research Association annual meeting March 6. It’ll include an update of research at the Northern Research and Demonstration Farm at Kanawha.
The meeting is at the Wesley Community Center, 105 2nd Street South, in Wesley, Iowa. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m., meeting starts at 10 a.m. It adjourns at 2 p.m. The research farm’s board of directors will meet at the annual meeting’s conclusion.
No cost to attend, and it’s open to the public. You are encouraged to preregister to help plan for meal and handout materials. Call ISU Extension Kossuth County office at 515-295-2469 or Hancock County office at 641-923-2856 to register. Certified crop advisers can earn CEU credits for attending this meeting.
Presentations will include the following:
Dennis Schwab, research association president, will begin the morning program with an update on recent activities. The association owns the research farm at Kanawha and provides guidance to ISU on research priorities.
Matt Schnabel, superintendent of the farm, will provide a review of recent research. Brandon Zwiefel will discuss results from the famer-cooperator trials. The 2018 Annual Progress Report will be available.
Dennis Todey, director of the USDA Midwest Climate Hub at Ames, will discuss Iowa’s weather outlook. He’ll talk about the impact of growing season changes on corn and soybean production.
Kit Paper, watershed project coordinator for the Boone River Watershed, will provide an update on the activities in the watershed.
Angie Rieck-Hinz, ISU Extension field agronomist, will give an update on the potential for production of industrial hemp in Iowa. Paul Kassel, ISU field agronomist, will discuss herbicide and weed control issues for 2019.
March 7 at Iowa City
The Southeast Iowa Ag Research Association, in partnership with ISU, will host its annual meeting March 7 at the ISU Extension Johnson County office in Iowa City. The meeting begins at 10 a.m. and features an update on activities at the Iowa State University Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm, as well as presentations from ISU Extension specialists.
Topics of discussion will include:
research farm update from Myron Rees, Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm superintendent
“New Farm Bill Implications,” by Ryan Drollette, ISU farm management specialist
“Tighter Margins and Farm Finances,” by Charles Brown, ISU farm management specialist
“Fertilizer Priorities and Liming Strategies When Facing Low Crop Prices,” by Antonio Mallarino, ISU professor and Extension soil fertility specialist
“Long-term Tillage and Crop Rotation Effects on Crop Yield, Economic Returns and Soil Health,” by Mahdi Al-Kasi, ISU professor and Extension soil and water specialist
The meeting includes lunch, is provided at no charge and will conclude at 3 p.m. Certified crop adviser CCU credits are available.
For more information contact Ryan Drollette at [email protected] or 319-337-2145; Josh Michel at [email protected] or 319-523-2371; Kristina TeBockhorst at [email protected] or 319- 337-2145; Virgil Schmitt at [email protected] or 563-263-5701; Rebecca Vittetoe at [email protected] or 319-653-4811.
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