Farm Progress

Effective weed management strategy reduces resistanceEffective weed management strategy reduces resistance

Reduce your risk of herbicide failure with these tips.

Kristy Foster Seachrist, Digital editor

May 9, 2018

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It's no secret that by using the same weed strategy year after will eventually result in herbicide failure. Farmers are facing the biggest challenges from marestail, waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. A weed management program must include different herbicides and even other management strategies. 

This gallery illustrates different scenarios in which various herbicide programs are used year after year, derived from a resistance model developed by Syngenta.

Farmers will find that programs with fewer sites of action in pre- and post-emergence applications will result in herbicide failure after just a few years.What producers need to aim for is a weed management program that contains overlapping residuals with multiple effective sites of action will provide weed control for many years. 

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