January 30, 2019
Can you make a profit on $3.30 corn? $8.10 soybeans? $5.60 wheat?
Can you make a profit if you got $185 per cwt for 400-500 calves, $45 per cwt for slaughter hogs and $145 per cwt for slaughter lambs?
Those are the prices that North Dakota State University Extension Service has published in its 2019 price projections for crops, livestock and milk.
"The estimated short-term planning prices should be used as a guide in setting price expectations for 2019 production," Haugen says. "These planning prices can be used for preparing annual enterprise budgets and annual whole-farm cash flow projections. Cash flow projections are very critical with today's tight margins."
The NDSU Extension Service makes projections for the major crop commodities, including wheat, durum, oats, feed barley, malting barley, oil sunflowers, non-oil sunflowers, corn, soybeans, canola, flaxseed, winter wheat, dry beans, dry peas, lentils, alfalfa hay and mixed hay.
Price projections for livestock and livestock products include beef steers and heifers at various weights, cull cows, slaughter steers, slaughter hogs, slaughter ewes, slaughter lambs, feeder lambs and milk.
"Short-term prices should not be used for planning capital purchases or expansion alternatives that would extend beyond the next production year,” Haugen says.
The NDSU publication "Plotting a Course 2019" is available online. Or you can get a copy by contacting your local county Extension office.
Source: NDSU Extension Service, which is solely responsible for the information provided and is wholly owned by the source. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.
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