September 30, 2009
The latest Arizona agriculture update from the National Agricultural Statistics Service’s Phoenix, Ariz., field office:
• Field crops
Opening of bolls has occurred on 85 percent of the cotton acreage, below last year’s 94 percent, and behind the five-year average of 92 percent. Harvesting is 21 percent complete, ahead of last year at 20 percent, and ahead of the five-year average of 15 percent. Cotton conditions are fair to excellent.
Alfalfa harvest remains active on over three-quarters of the state’s acreage. Alfalfa conditions range from poor to excellent depending on location. Range and pasture conditions vary from mostly very poor to fair depending on location and elevation.
• Vegetables, fruit, and specialty crops
Arizona growers shipped miscellaneous melons this week.
• Weather summary
Temperatures were mostly above normal across Arizona for the week ending Sept. 27 ranging from 7 degrees below normal at Canyon de Chelly to 7 degrees above normal at Yuma.
The highest temperature of the week was 110 degrees at Paloma and the lowest reading of 30 degrees occurred at Grand Canyon.
Precipitation was reported at 1 of the 22 stations. Canyon de Chelly received .02 inches of precipitation. Yuma is the only reporting station with above normal precipitation to date.
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