November 4, 2020
These past few months have been difficult. The fact that the men and women in agriculture were considered “essential” meant that, basically, our livelihoods were not disrupted to the extent many other jobs and businesses were. We continued to work, cultivating, planting and ultimately harvesting. But even though we had some degree of normalcy, things were not “normal”! Kids were going to school via the internet, and most have not enjoyed the isolation.
I can understand why it was difficult for kids and teachers. I can also understand there’s a possibility that staying home was, to some degree, pleasant for kids on the farm where there are always things to do. And my guess is the help those kids provided was a great blessing to their mom and dad.
But both farm kids and city dwellers involved in school sports or music had to miss those activities. And seniors in high school missed the fun and memories of graduation.
As a nation, we discovered telemedicine and digital health solutions, and also experienced the frantic purchasing and hoarding of toilet paper. What a crazy time! Some restaurants adapted by providing home delivery and ultimately allowing inside dining for a limited number. All the changes and challenges will be remembered for many years.
As a “people person,” the greatest challenge for me was the isolation. I’ll admit it. I was grumpy! But something unusual happened one day that changed my perspective.
On that particular day, Kendra’s outlook was as low as I’ve ever seen it. She’s typically a “glass half full” woman, but not that day. Her first words to me before she even got out of bed were, “You probably need to know that as of today, I’m officially depressed!”
I’m not sure what she wanted me to do about it, but maybe it was just a warning to give her plenty of space. I don’t remember how I responded, but I do know that almost immediately, I headed to the post office to pick up the mail.
There was only one thing in the stack of mail that was a little unusual. It was a letter for Kendra from a friend of hers who lives in Ohio. I’ve never met this woman, but she and Kendra see each other once a year at a conference for Christian writers and speakers.
When Kendra finally came downstairs that morning, I told her she had a letter. She opened it immediately, and her sad countenance brightened.
It was a beautiful, encouraging note from Barbara, and it arrived on the perfect day! She not only wrote a wonderful and thoughtful note, but God told her when to mail it.
That was the day I decided to give thanks instead of moping around. Giving thanks on that day changed my outlook and my attitude.
The Thanksgiving holiday is right around the corner, and receiving that card months ago will always remind me of the importance of Thanksgiving and of giving thanks! Who can you encourage today?
John and Kendra Smiley farm near East Lynn, Ill. Email [email protected], or visit The opinions of this writer are not necessarily those of Farm Progress/Informa.
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