Farm Progress

Minneapolis-Moline is Ferryville farmer’s favoriteMinneapolis-Moline is Ferryville farmer’s favorite

My Favorite Tractor: The Ellefson family has owned this tractor since they bought it new in 1963.

Harlen Persinger

June 26, 2018

2 Min Read
FAMILY FAVORITE: Both Ronnie Ellefson (pictured) of Ferryville, Wis., and his father, Millard, liked this Minneapolis-Moline Jet Star Two tractor that they purchased new in 1963.

Ronnie Ellefson of Ferrysville, Wis., will never forget the day he and his father, Millard, purchased a new 1963 Minneapolis-Moline Jet Star Two tractor (Serial No. 25801077) from Hodgeman Implement in Viola, Wis.

“After writing a check for $3,906, it was delivered in November, the same time John Kennedy was assassinated,” remembers the Crawford County farmer. “That machine was so perfect, handled any chore with ease, and we thought we were in heaven because the tractor was much better than our 1953 model Ford. We teamed the machine with my 3-foot, 16-inch plow. It handled all the tillage chores, operated the Gehl 84 chopper, ran the 14T John Deere baler and also hauled manure. The cost for LP gas was only 13 cents a gallon, so we practically farmed for nothing.”

Ellefson notes that he maintained a one-fourth interest in the machine until 1976. Then his father took full ownership until April 10, 1992, when Ellefson purchased it at his dad’s auction. This utility tractor was part of the 1963 Constellation Series and was manufactured in Minneapolis. Only 1,213 were built: 1,100 gas units and 113 units that used diesel fuel.

Features included: a wide front end, two lights on the side and one in the rear, fenders, power steering, three-point hitch, toolbox, hydraulics, five forward gears and one reverse. With the Ampil-Torc and partial power shift, it was transformed into a 10-speed transmission with a 44-hp rating. The tractor had a 4-cyclinder liquid-cooled engine and open operator station. Ellefson estimates that in 55 years, the Jet Star Two has worked over 10,000 hours. Besides repairing the Ampil-Torc, the motor has been overhauled, and the tractor is on its fourth set of tires.

“This little Moline could always get the job done. When the motor slows down, it just keeps perking along,” he adds. “I still use the Jet Star Two on the rotary mower and for other light jobs during the summer. Dad and I purchased the tractor because the price was reasonable for the early 1960s. It was well worth the money and has always been fun to drive.”

To have your favorite tractor featured, email or send in a photo of yourself with your tractor, along with a 300- to 400-word write-up about the tractor, to: [email protected] or Wisconsin Agriculturist, P.O. Box 236, Brandon, WI 53919.

Persinger writes from Milwaukee, Wis.

About the Author

Harlen Persinger

Harlen Persinger is a photojournalist who lives in Milwaukee. Since 2004, he has freelanced for regional and national farm publications such as Wisconsin Agriculturist and Farm Industry News, plus many others.

Persinger grew up on a farm in Grundy County, Iowa. He received a degree in ag journalism from Iowa State University in 1972. He has traveled to more than 40 countries and has been a member of the American Agricultural Editors’ Association (now Agricultural Communicators Network) since 1976. In 2016, he was the first photojournalist/freelancer to receive the organization's Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2017, Persinger began providing college scholarships to 4-H’ers from his home county who have an interest in photography/journalism and agriculture. He was inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame in 2023.

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